Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why 'Thoughts from my shower'? For some unknown reason (ok, I have a few theories!), I do my best channeling in the shower. However, this isn't exactly conducive to recording what I am getting as I've pretty much concluded it's darn near impossible to write anything down with shampoo dripping into my eyes. Go figure... This does confirm my suspicion that my guides are possessed of unique sense of humor (kind of like me actually).

So, at the prompting of my best friend, Swati...I will endeavor to record the randomness that enters my brain from time to time. Sometimes, I surprise even myself.

[Princess Leia] That doesn't sound too difficult! [/Princess Leia]

Oh yes...please be forewarned! I am huge Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and sci-fi fan in general (ie...I'm a geek) I liberally throw in quotes in random places.

Just thought you'd like to know...
